STAGE 1 // Years 1 + 2


Dive Into Nature’s Wonders with Our Stage 1 Urban Farm Adventure Course

Pocket City Farm invites Stage 1 students on an exhilarating adventure with our Urban Farm Adventure Course, specially tailored to inspire young environmental heroes. Bursting with interactive, hands-on experiences, this program unveils the critical roles plants and animals play in our everyday lives, the transformative process of growth, and the significance of nurturing local habitats. Through the principles of Regenerative Agriculture, students will explore the unique features of living beings, fostering a deep appreciation for biodiversity.

What Makes Our Adventure Course Unique

  1. Interactive Learning Experience: Students are immersed in a series of engaging activities designed to highlight how humans depend on the natural world for survival, from food to ecosystem services.

  2. Growth and Transformation: Witness the awe-inspiring life cycle of plants and animals, understanding their growth processes and the environmental conditions necessary for thriving life.

  3. Habitat Revitalisation: Learn innovative, sustainable methods to protect and enhance local habitats, ensuring a harmonious coexistence of all creatures and promoting biodiversity.

  4. Discovery of Living Beings: Marvel at the diverse external features of plants and animals, understanding their importance in maintaining ecological balance and the principles behind Regenerative Agriculture.

Embark on a Thrilling Expedition into the Heart of Nature

The Urban Farm Adventure Course for Stage 1 students is more than a learning journey; it’s an opportunity to engage with the environment actively and thoughtfully. As students navigate through our urban farm, they’ll gain invaluable insights into sustainability, ecology, and the importance of environmental stewardship, all while having fun and embarking on a thrilling exploration of the natural world.

Ready for an adventure that combines education, excitement, and environmental awareness? The Stage 1 Urban Farm Adventure Course at Pocket City Farm offers an unmatched expedition into the wonders of nature and sustainability. It’s not just a program; it’s the beginning of a lifelong journey towards becoming guardians of our planet.

Secure Your Spot on the Adventure Course | Learn More About Our Environmental Education Programs


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