STAGE 2 // Years 3 + 4


Discover the Wonders of Regenerative Agriculture with Our Stage 2 Adventure Course

Welcome to a world of wonder at Pocket City Farm, where our Urban Farm Adventure Course invites Stage 2 explorers on a vibrant adventure. This specially crafted journey dives into the fascinating processes of Regenerative Agriculture, showcasing how sustainable practices transform plants and animals into essential resources like food and fibre. Participants will unravel the intricate connections between diverse environments and the living organisms they support, providing a rich, hands-on learning experience that blends education with excitement.

Explore the Intricacies of Nature’s Cycles and Classification

  1. Life Cycle Mysteries: Delve into the mysteries of life cycles, observing the remarkable similarities and differences among various species. Students will learn about the stages of growth and development in plants and animals, gaining insights into the resilience and adaptability of life.

  2. Classifying Living Things: Engage in the dynamic challenge of classifying living things into groups. This activity enhances critical thinking and observational skills as students discover the criteria scientists use to organise the diversity of life on Earth.

  3. Regenerative Agriculture Insights: Journey through the principles of Regenerative Agriculture, understanding how this approach not only produces food and fiber but also revitalises the soil, conserves water, and supports biodiversity.

Embark on a Thrilling Exploration of Nature’s Marvels

The Stage 2 Urban Farm Adventure Course is not just an educational program; it’s an expedition into the heart of nature’s marvels. By combining learning with fun, we offer a unique opportunity for young explorers to deepen their understanding of the natural world and the importance of sustainability. Participants will leave with a newfound appreciation for the complexity of ecosystems and the role of humans in nurturing the planet.

Step into a thrilling exploration of nature with our Urban Farm Adventure Course for Stage 2 students. It’s an adventure that marries the excitement of discovery with the profound insights of science and sustainability, fostering a generation of informed and passionate environmental stewards.

embark on an Urban Adventure | Discover the Marvels of Nature and Sustainability


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